Hockenheim (Germany), Achel (Belgium), 10 May 2021 – It was an impressive line-up of formula cars on Saturday 8 May. The FFR-FOR formula cars joined forces with the HRA (Historic Racecar Association) for two races at Hockenheim, as part of the FHR Spring Classic. More than 35 formula cars were on the grid; an impressive number since drivers from the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands are still not able to join because of Covid restrictions.

In race 1 the HRA group got onto the track first, followed 30 seconds later by the FFR-FOR Formula Fords and Formula Opel Lotus’. After the rolling start it didn’t take long for Marvin Brandl (Formula Opel), Max Wuttke (FF 2000), Jo Zosso (FF Zetec) and Georges Tomsen (Formula Opel) to catch up with the slower of the HRA drivers, resulting in an attractive and competitive race. At the end of the 1st race Klaus-Dieter Häckel won the FF1600 class, Max Wuttke the FF2000 class, Jo Zosso the FF Zetec, while Marvin Brandl took the first prize in the Formula Opel class.
In race 2, in the jostling for position after the rolling start, an unfortunate incident occurred when the tyres of Jo Zosso and Sarène Ziffel (FF Zetec) rubbed. This caused her to spin and collide with Georges Tomsen (Formula Opel), leading to a red flag situation. Luckily no one was injured, but it took a while for the race to recommence. After the restart race 2 pretty much mirrored race 1, with a lot of action of the track and the same class winners. Interestingly Julian Labitzke (FF Zetec) managed to get on the podium as well on his first race day ever, with a 3rd position in race 2.
Racing conditions were excellent making this another great track day for the FFR-FOR, also thanks to the cooperation of the FHR organization and HRA. Next the FFR-FOR will move to Most Autodrom in the Czech Republic, for the European NASCAR event on 18-20 June.